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Where does she fit in?

Have you ever been excluded from a group of your peers?  
Guess what, people excluded Jesus sometimes too.  His own people pushed him away because they didn't believe he was who he said he was, God's son.  But in the bible in Hebrews 13:5 it says "God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  This should give us hope that even when we feel alone, we are not!
How did you feel when you weren't included?
I don't know about you, but when that happened to me in school I couldn't wait to run home and curl up in my parents arms and let them tell me it would be okay.  But did you know that God can comfort you any time of the day.  In Isaiah 51:12 God says" I am he who comforts you".  Since God is everywhere all the time, he can see your pain and comfort you in the same moment you are hurting.
Have you ever been surprised who you real friends are?
God shows time and time again in his word that who you pick as your friends is very important.  When we surround ourselves with people who also want to please God it brings him Glory. In Proverbs 18:24 it says "There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."  


Piglets for Christmas

What does Joy look like to you?  
In the Bible a man named Paul reminds us that "the God of hope fills you with all joy and peace in believing." (Romans 15:13.  He knew that believing that God's Son Jesus loved you enough to give his life on the cross to pay for your sins, would assure you could go to heaven.  Knowing that brings complete Joy because it means you get to be with God in heaven forever!
When do you remember feeling hopeful?
Are you hopeful for presents this Christmas, or a special meal? Have you ever felt let down.  Like maybe you wished for a spcertain toy, and your grandparents got you socks?  Do you know that God gave us the feeling of hopefulness?  A man named David said in Psalm 39:7 "“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you."  He knew that the best thing we could hope in and for is God.  We were designed to live in communion with him.  So when we hope for him, we can never be disappointed.
Can you remember a time your parents showed you grace?
Grace is when you deserve to have a consequence for something you did wrong, but your parents give you another chance.  When they do that aren't you grateful they are so kind?  Did you know that your heavenly father did that too?  He said that to be in heaven with him we had to be without sin, but when we couldn't keep from sinning, he sent his Son to pay the price for us.  He showed us grace so we could one day be in heaven with him!
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